MARSRobotics surveying and mapping Examples

Explore our drones imagery and our Internationally Certified Engineers use software to provide our customers with effective solutions.

Aerial Mapping of Jarash City
The execution company:MARSRobotics®
Location:Jarash – Jordan
Presented to:Geology department / Yarmouk University (Scientific Research)
Industry:Aerial Mapping
Project Date:Feb. 2019
Project Size:Area (2 km^2)
Ground Sampling Distance (GSD):4.00 cm
Project Goal:Study the land drifts and the effects of rainwater on them
Aerial Mapping of Salhoub City
The execution company:MARSRobotics®
Location:Salhoub – Jordan
Presented to:Geology department / Yarmouk University (Scientific Research)
Industry:Aerial Mapping
Project Date: Jan. 2019
Project Size:Area (2 km^2)
Ground Sampling Distance (GSD):4.00 cm
Project Goal:Study the land drifts and the effects of rainwater on them