MARSRobotics surveying and mapping Examples

Explore our drones imagery and our Internationally Certified Engineers use software to provide our customers with effective solutions.

Aqaba Aerial Mapping
The execution company:MARSRobotics®
Location:Aqaba – Jordan
Presented to:Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre (RJGC)
Industry:Aerial Mapping
Project Date:Sep. 2018
Project Size:Area (366 km^2)
Ground Sampling Distance (GSD): 10.00 cm
Aqaba Railway Surveying
The execution company:MARSRobotics®
Location: Aqaba – Jordan
Presented to:Arab Surveyors Co.
Industry:Railway Surveying
Project Date: Jan. 2018
Project Type:Corridor (66km long, 300m wide)
Number of Images:5730
Ground Sampling Distance (GSD):8 cm